Saturday 11 August 2007


Run!’ That was the first thing that popped into my head, ‘Get as far away from these nut jobs as you can! Make a break for it, the door’s only two feet away! But where can I run to? I don’t have a clue which way leads to the exit... I could guess but with the amount of turns we took getting here... and what was it that Nera had said... “Last time I wanted...the library he got me there just as the clock chimed for midnight.”, If it took that long just to find a library... what chance do I have of ever finding my way out?!’ I was starting to realise that I’d just trapped myself with these strangers...
“You look whiter than a ghost,” Hertly murmured quietly then told Nera to get a small stool for me to sit on.
‘I don’t want to sit!’ I screamed with my mind putting such force behind the thought, Nera actually hesitated in bringing me the stool and started rubbing his temples.
“Nera, bring Ara the stool, now!” Hertly order him firmly, then turning to me stated, “You need to sit!” and it was like a switch went off in my head, my legs felt like jelly and the moment that stool was behind me, I collapsed onto it.
I became furious ‘No one ever orders me around like that!’ I was hissing stubbornly in my mind.
“Things change.” Hertly stated bitterness coating those words, “Your mother changed, couldn’t handle that one death, when there had been hundreds more seen by her very eyes!”
“No! That’s not true!” I screamed starting to cry, my next words barely getting through the knot forming in my throat, “It can’t be...”, ‘hundreds of deaths? And seen by her eyes, it wasn’t, it couldn’t be true...
“Oh, but it i-” Hertly was saying when Nera suddenly cut in.
“Stop It!” He cried angrily, “Can’t you see what you are doing? You have to see through those past differences or you will destroy the plan! Think about our future you are putting into jeopardy. If you can’t keep yourself in check then you shouldn’t be in your position.”
“I- I don’t know what...” Hertly trailed off, “You’re right, I’m still getting into the habit of keeping myself under control.”
“Now can we get back to why we’re here?” Nera asked exasperated.
“Yes.” Hertly said not looking at me, “But not now, Nightmare can you please find Ara a room, she looks exhausted, and when was the last time you slept properly? Humans never seem to... Oh and Nightmare set up your bed on the floor of her room. Can’t let her get lost, now can we. You know how these rooms like to change...”
“Alright, I will.” Nera looked a little hesitant as though things hadn’t gone quite as he’d planned.

We walked in silence down the passageway until we reach the corner Paws had gone round.
“Here we are.” Nera announced as we reached a bright almost blood red door, “This is where we’ll be sleeping for tonight. Keep everything with you we aren’t coming back to this room again after tonight.”
I was still lost in thought about my mom and whoever the stranger was whose death she couldn’t handle... ‘Maybe I should ask Nera/Nightmare...
“Ummm... Nera..?” I looked at him quizzically.
“Yeah. What is it?”
“Whose death couldn’t my mom handle?”
He seemed to be arguing with himself, unsure of what to do.
“Well it was about 15 to 16 years ago, a fight had broken out between the two enemy clans at the head meeting, the head meeting is where all the clan leaders meet up and discuss things, well your mom, being the leader of the Anahita clan, was at that meeting but because my clan and hers were both on the same side when the fight broke out her clan was right behind us to help with the fighting, and trust me we were grateful.” Nera continued after looking to see if I was keeping up, “Unfortunately the leader of the Appoloin clan, Dennam, was the strongest of all the clans, he had wings that were darker than black and a tail that was tipped with a blade; but that wasn’t what made him dangerous it was his Gift, when the fight broke out his clan was on the other side, it lasted for three hours with great losses to our clans, but his was still going strong with only five deaths...”
“What happened?” I asked, grabbing his shoulder gently to reassure him.
“She had her chance. Your mother was the only one with the power to stop him, but... she said she couldn’t... they had both stayed clear of fighting each other, and when she got her chance she hesitated, but so did he, that was when Bruno, one of my clan, went in, he had a knife which he stabbed right through Dennam’s heart, every body froze staring as the Appoloin lead collapsed, falling to his knees, the last words he cried were “Don’t let it die!”, after that your mother cried and mourned, she locked herself in a room for days, not letting anyone inside, then one day she just opt and left. She was running around these passage ways for hours when, and this was lucky for her, she ran into Paws. She ordered him to take her to a way out... Afterwards we never heard from nor saw her again.”
“Can I ask you one more question?” I asked quietly but then seeing his face and knowing he was uncertain, “I promise after this no more questions ever!”
“You will have more queries eventually.” He stated shortly, “But... You can ask me this question, as long as you know that I might not have the answer.”
“OK.” I gathered my thoughts a bit, “Do you know who my father is? Mom never spoke about him, plus no one else seemed to know anything and you seem to know more about my mom’s history and my history than I do...”
“I guess I’m no different because I haven’t a clue who your dad is.”
I was disappointed with his answer but I couldn’t be angry at him, no one else had known my dad either.
I have another inquiry actually quite a few, but I promised not to ask any other questions.’ I sighed, maybe tomorrow my queries will be answered but for now I needed to rest.
My last thought as I drifted towards sleep was, ‘I wander why Nera is known as Nightmare?


Jessica Aka Brett <3 said...

OMG wings
This is amazing, how do u do it u have to teach me lol.
the words just wrap u up like a blnket before even a sentence has finished.
u have to continue
SillypopSoda xxxx

wings said...

i can't teach you your imagination...
i'm trying...

Anonymous said...

Hey I really like it, I cant wait to read more.

-wolf boy

wings said...

wolf boy
no more for a long time... sorry...

Ink said...

What sillypopsoda said!

I like the whole story going on with her mom and all that... but now I want to know who her dad is!!

One thing did catch my attention though. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Nera read minds? Or am I thinking of someone else?


Jessica Aka Brett <3 said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
wings said...

yip Nera reads minds.

Ink said...

I thought so!


wings said...

You thought right!!

Ink said...


Aesopha said...

Hey Wings,
Sorry I'm a little late on typing a comment, but anyway I think you're doing a great job. Lil says she's writing a story on her blog, cuz she's got nothing else to do except write about her life, which you wouldn't want her to do. I think she's very. . .what's the word??? . . .Oh yeah, laid-back. She likes to go with the flow.
Well, I'm typing another post as I speak, so keep checking in and thank for visiting! (And anybody else that wants to visit my blog, too, you can! here's the URL: Hope you ppl like my story! yup)
Jamie Besont!

wings said...


wings said...


will check up on your blog soon!

Jessica Aka Brett <3 said...

hi wings
oh haha, i know you are but im kind of in my own world right now and really cab't come back ever so sorry lol
SillyPopSoda! x

WingedChild said...


THAT WAS AWESOME!!! Dude if u finish this u could SO publish it! I would buy it! Even tho i would hav already read it but...I would still buy it! I swear! I love this book! It's just as good or better than some of the other book I've read.Would u mind if i let my friend read it? She reads my stories all the time and i kno she would love it. But if u dont then it's ok.


ps. I love the name Nera!!!! He is sooooo cool!

*mutters 2 self* so awesome

wings said...

tell me when you get back!


wings said...

*blushing bright red*
i don't mind
i'm glad you like it!!

Ink said...

8 D


wings said...


Ink said...


wings said...

i can't wait till eclipse comes out over here!!!!!!!!!!!
i so have to read it!!!

Ink said...

You really do! Its SO GOOD!!

Wait... it hasn't come out in UK yet? When does it????


wings said...

no it hasn't come out in the UK yet...

i Really want it!!!
i don't know when it's coming out cause it could come out here but some book stores only get it like a couple months after...
like when Eclipse came out there New moon was just coming out over here....
so i'm not sure when it's out...

Can't wait till it's out!!
So need to read it!!!

Ink said...

You really do need to read it!
I wish that I could send it to you, or post chapters on-line... but I'm pretty sure that's illegal...
: (

I hope that you can read it soooooooon!!!


wings said...

I so want to read it!
can't wait till it comes out over here!

Ink said...

I'm sure that you'll TOTALLY LOVE IT.
I did!


wings said...


Max Ride Fan 13 said...

OMG!!!! !LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wings said...

thank you very much1

have a great day!!

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

I'm so sad that you arent gonna post your story for some time. Sigh

Empty_Flame said...

After you finish this, you are going to send it to a publisher. They will accept it immediately but will have some doubts about whether you can handle the busy life of an author. You surprise them with your strength and imagination, and when your book is published it becomes extremely successful and stay number one international bestseller for ages,c1r./23R!CC@R£>$%!.>?!>?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mtg5l,kloe

I finally got the computer back.
That was Philippa. I'm not deleting that because I totally agree with it. But of course, she didn't write that because she liked the story (which im sure she did but anyway) but because she can see the future. So it looks like yours is pretty bright Wings!Keep it up! I would love to see this published!

Angel Sandiego

wings said...

working on the next chapter!!!

wings said...

Hi Philippa!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you're right about all that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my dream is to be an auther!!!!!!!!

hope you'll like tthe next chapter!!!!
will post next chpt soon!!!!